We now know that Covid-19 is transferred between people via tiny droplets in the air in enclosed spaces. It is why face masks and social distancing have become compulsory. The US Centre for Disease Control and Prevention makes clear coronavirus commonly spreads "through respiratory droplets or small particles, such as those in aerosols," which are produced when we breathe.
The Invisible Killer
Air pollution is a ruthless silent killer. Pollutants such as tiny particulate matter, penetrate our lungs, hearts and brains via the bloodstream with devastating consequences. For example, British Heart Foundation Research shows that air pollution damages our blood vessels, increases the risk of blood clots, and raises the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
Safe Air
Revolutionary new DNO Pollution Erasing Technology is a game-changer. It is the combination of HEPA, activated Carbon and DNO inside that has perfected purification It doesn’t just capture pollutants but kills airborne germs DEAD: Instantly. The risk of secondary pollution release is removed. The technology destroys the smallest matter in the air, be that a virus or dangerous gases like Carbon Monoxide, plus NOx and SOx, the gases pumped into the air by traffic and fossil fuel combustion.